So, today was the first day of our new course called 'Installation Art from modernity to post modernity.'
I thought this course would be all theory and theory and more theory. But, it turned out to be so much fun.
The class began with our facilitator Narendra asking us, 'How many of you like art?' Of course, all of us being art and design students raised our hands. Then he asked us why? We all had different words as to what art is to us. Like:
Way to communicate, boundless, medium of expression, experimentation etc.
Then, we had to research about what installations are and find out one installation we really liked and share it with the class.
I shared Mona Hatoum's 'Prayer Mat'. I had seen this installation at NGMA, Bangalore and it had really caught my attention. The way she has showcased the contradictions revolving around religious beliefs is extraordinary. From afar, it looks like a usual prayer mat with a compass pointing towards Mecca. It is only when you move closer that you see the mat is made up of brass needles. This installation ever since the exhibition has been one of my favorites.
After this, we were made to clear our tables and stand on them. We had to walk on the tables. Stop. Walk some more. Stop . Walk. Stop. Jump off the table. Stop. Walk. Stop. And finally sit!
This was the way to make us realise the different spaces and how we use them and the difference between medium and material.
Then, we were divided into groups of three and were asked to find any space in the campus, and without making any alterations we had to give it a name. According to that, we had to write an artist note about the installation. I was grouped with Rhea Iyer and Mohammed Chiba. We found this empty electrical main circuit box. It had no wires in it. We found it out of the ordinary (maybe we were just looking with our designer eyes)

Then we started mind mapping as to what we could call it. Words like ' portation', 'narnia' 'wardrobe' 'completely incomplete' and many more. Until finally Rhea came across the catalogue number of the box which was '607716'
We looked at this number properly and it gave us two dates : 6/07/716 and 6/0/7716.
Then we started thinking of this box as a teleportation device which will take you to either the past or teh future depending on its 'mood' because it is sentimental.
We thought of the entire process as to how someone will be able to use the electric wire box as a tele portation device.
After this break, the entire class had to gather and then we went looking at everybody's art installations. Everyone had such amazing stories revolving around our spaces. In the end, Narendra told us how all of us had thought about the stories and scenes with our space.
All in all, today's class was totally opposite of what i had thought it would be. And I am actually looking forward to the next Tuesday.
I thought this course would be all theory and theory and more theory. But, it turned out to be so much fun.
The class began with our facilitator Narendra asking us, 'How many of you like art?' Of course, all of us being art and design students raised our hands. Then he asked us why? We all had different words as to what art is to us. Like:
Way to communicate, boundless, medium of expression, experimentation etc.
Then, we had to research about what installations are and find out one installation we really liked and share it with the class.
I shared Mona Hatoum's 'Prayer Mat'. I had seen this installation at NGMA, Bangalore and it had really caught my attention. The way she has showcased the contradictions revolving around religious beliefs is extraordinary. From afar, it looks like a usual prayer mat with a compass pointing towards Mecca. It is only when you move closer that you see the mat is made up of brass needles. This installation ever since the exhibition has been one of my favorites.
After this, we were made to clear our tables and stand on them. We had to walk on the tables. Stop. Walk some more. Stop . Walk. Stop. Jump off the table. Stop. Walk. Stop. And finally sit!
This was the way to make us realise the different spaces and how we use them and the difference between medium and material.
Then, we were divided into groups of three and were asked to find any space in the campus, and without making any alterations we had to give it a name. According to that, we had to write an artist note about the installation. I was grouped with Rhea Iyer and Mohammed Chiba. We found this empty electrical main circuit box. It had no wires in it. We found it out of the ordinary (maybe we were just looking with our designer eyes)
Then we started mind mapping as to what we could call it. Words like ' portation', 'narnia' 'wardrobe' 'completely incomplete' and many more. Until finally Rhea came across the catalogue number of the box which was '607716'
We looked at this number properly and it gave us two dates : 6/07/716 and 6/0/7716.
Then we started thinking of this box as a teleportation device which will take you to either the past or teh future depending on its 'mood' because it is sentimental.
We thought of the entire process as to how someone will be able to use the electric wire box as a tele portation device.
After this break, the entire class had to gather and then we went looking at everybody's art installations. Everyone had such amazing stories revolving around our spaces. In the end, Narendra told us how all of us had thought about the stories and scenes with our space.
All in all, today's class was totally opposite of what i had thought it would be. And I am actually looking forward to the next Tuesday.